Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Successful test

Last night we had a successful test of giving them formula from a bottle and going right back to breastfeeding the next turn. They both did surprisingly well. Neither sucked to hard or too fast and drowned themself in formula. The goal is to give Melissa an opportunity to pump enough so she can bottle feed them with breast milk when she is pressed for time. They both got done with 4 oz of formula in 15 minutes. Matt took a little longer because he took a break. It knocked Emma out cold. Matt was awake, but he was content for over an hour. Melissa was able to pump almost 4 oz and they both took the boob back without a problem. It was a nice evening. Today is Melissa's 6 month check up at the doctor. All should be good. Wondering what the doctor will say about how soon we can try for another. Melissa said they usually want C-section patients to wait a year until getting pregnant again. We wanted to pop another out ASAP, but oh well.
Posted: 12:22 PM, Monday, July 9, 2007

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