Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mommy's good to go. July 10, 2007

Her 6 week check up went well. No problems. Doc says we need to wait at least 6 months before trying to have anymore kids. That's good news, but it probably doesn't matter. It's a slim chance while she is breastfeeding. Hopefully her body remembers what it took to get pregnant and we don't have to do IVF again. Not sure we would do that if we couldn't get pregnant on our own, but I would like to have ONE more. So far I'm being as supportive as I can. It's my job to keep her sane during these first few months until MnEm get on a schedule, especially a sleeping schedule. She is doing great so far. I couldn't be any prouder of her. I kind of regret being on the every other Friday off schedule, but it is helping with all the travel we have to do this year.
Posted: 3:27 PM, Tuesday, July 10, 2007

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