Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The start of something great. June 19, 2007

What's up? Since everything has changed in the last 20 days, I figured why not my blog website. I hope you like it. I don't care if you do, just hope you do. You probably think that the title of this one has to do with the birth of our twins on May 30th. Well, you would be wrong. It has to do with the fact that for the past two nights, they slept at least 6 hours straight. Both nights I woke up around 4am and couldn't believe it. Now if we could only get Emma to calm down during the day, it would be perfect. She has been crying while she is awake during the day. Usually taking either of them outside and walking around would quiet them, but not last night. So I went to WebMD.com to look up colic and it is the most general all encompassing medical diagnosis I have ever heard. Since she is sleeping through the night, you can't call it colic. Matt on the other hand enjoys to take in the scenery. He was awake for a couple hours when I got home and didn't cry at all. I think giving them baths at night is helping them sleep through the night. I held them in the shower with me last night for a quick rinse off. They both liked it. Matt was only happy if I held him against me while the water hit his back. He didn't like the front shot. I'm just happy neither of them had to drop a chalupa. So we are going to try rotating the bath and shower with daddy to keep them sleeping. I think the next challenge will be getting them to sleep in the pack n play in our bedroom without the vibrator. That will start this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.
Posted: 11:27 AM, Tuesday, June 19, 2007

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