Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A good morning so far. July 3, 2007

So far it's been one of the best mornings I've had so far since the birth. We went to bed at 9pm last night and I only woke up twice for a couple minutes each when the kids woke up. Melissa handled them both like a champ. She has her system down so she can get them out of their basinet, change them and feed them in bed. She is doing really great. I'm very proud of her. She is also losing lots of weight and looking great! I think I need to start getting serious about losing weight. I lost 6 pounds the week they were born, but I know I gained some of it back. We'll find out in about 15 minutes.
I was driving into work this morning listening to my MP3 player. My cousin's song, "I Will Be Here", was playing. I was thinking about mne (Matt & Emma) and my eyes were leaking a little when the next song that started playing what Snoop Dog's, "Gin and Juice". If you aren't familiar, the track starts off with a sound bite of some black guy peeing in a toilet and making that relieving sound. I started busting out laughing. Here I am getting all weepy from this great song my cousin sings and all of a sudden I'm listening to some guy empty his tank. It's going to be a good day.
Unbelieveable! I lost over a pound from 3 weeks ago. And I thought my pants felt a little tighter.
Posted: 7:36 AM, Tuesday, July 3, 2007

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