Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Matt rolling over

Just when I say all that horrible stuff about Emma's attitude, she was a little darling last weekend. Here is video of Matt rolling over.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Daddy's home!!

In case you don't know, MnEm are both rolling over now. They both rolled over in their cribs on the same night from their bellies to their backs. Matt can roll over onto his belly now too. He pulled that one off last weekend. Emma can't be bothered with it. Melissa said she tried yesterday, so it shouldn't be long. I'll get some video this weekend and put it up.

Emma has been stressing me out for the past two weeks. When I get home from work around 5pm, they are both happy to see me. When 6pm comes around something happens to her. The theory is that she is tired and refuses to go to sleep. She gets very fussy and is hard to consul until bath time. Matt get's this way too, but not as often. It just gets on my nerves because Monday through Friday from 6-8pm, I can't really enjoy being with her. When I pull into the driveway, I can see Emma's swing in the window. And when I see it swinging, I get excited because it means she is probably asleep. From now on, I need to mentally prepare myself for an evening of FrankenEmma.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Nana & Pappy's visit

Nana & Pappy came down for a visit last weekend, Sept. 8th. Mom didn't want to mail Melissa's baptism gown, so they hand delivered it. We got so much done. Our yard was a mess, so we cut the grass and planted flowers. It looks like a million bucks, or at least $300,000. I've got to get a couple things we missed this weekend and clean out the front flower bed. I should get some more mulch too. My toe is hurting, so I'm not so sure I'll be able to get much done. I go to the doctor on Monday. Hopefully he can fix my ingrown toe nail right then. Then after we were done working, they were brave enough to take on MnEm and gave us some green to go out to dinner. It's hard to pass up an opportunity like that, so we went to It's About Thyme. Not too much new on the baby development side. They are starting to interact with their surroundings a little more. Emma hits the toys on her bouncy seat and they both stare at the TV for short periods. Matt has been in a bad mood this week and Emma has been a little angel, as long as it is before 6pm. I don't know what happens to that girl when the clock strikes 6pm, but she doesn't like it. She won't sleep and she's not happy until she gets her bath and even that doesn't always quiet her. Ah, parenthood.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

True Appreciation

I have had the second most difficult week of my life since becoming a dad. Melissa woke up on Friday, 8/17/07, morning with a pulled back muscle and pinched nerve right before I left for work. I had to come to work because I was the only one schedule to be there that day and let the operators and laborers sign in. So I got Melissa to the couch with the babies to eat and off to work I went. I came back as soon as I could to help. I ended up having to take the whole next week off of work to take care of Melissa and the kids. The first 4 days were pretty tiring. All Melissa could do was feed them and she was able to hold them when she was lying on her back if for some reason they both got upset. I knew that being home with two 12 week old babies was difficult, but I didn't realize how much. And we didn't even cook that much for dinner. We ordered out a few nights and had quick stuff for lunch. By Wednesday, it became much easier. I think I just got used to doing all those things and Melissa was getting better. She was able to get around by herself. On Friday, we finally went somewhere other than the chiropractor. I'm back to work now and I miss them. Matt is such a happy baby when he wakes up in the morning. He's always full of smiles. Emma takes a little longer to wake up. She is a huge stretcher, like me. I'll wake her up and put her on the changing table and just watch her do her thing. Arms straight up above her head while she tucks and straightens her legs and arches her back.

We are putting our house up for sale. We've seen a couple of other bigger houses for sale that are affordable, if we can get enough for our house. We really need the room. When I was young, people could get away with living in such a small house with two or more kids. I know I did. But kids have so much stuff now a days. I could probably get rid of 25% of it and still be able to keep them occupied but this is just the way it is now a days. And besides, most of it came from shower gifts.